Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I learned from the Issues Paper

I learned a lot of things from doing the issues paper. For one I learned how to do effective and valuable research, rather than just searching through google. This should help me throughout the rest of my college career and beyond.  Another thing I learned that was really frustrating for me is that issues are always extremely complex. There is good in bad in each side, and there is never one right answer. It was really irritating to me that I couldn't pick a side and stick with it. This paper also helped me learn to view issues from different points of view. This paper helped me be more open-minded. I feel like before this class I was very close-minded and this class has helped me view things from a different point of view. Specifically this paper helped me learn how lucky I am to live where I do. I am so blessed to be where I am. There are so many people all over the world that are living in poor circumstances. I hope that through my education I can make just a small difference in this world, even if I don't solve some complex issue.

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