Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Buying into the Green Movement" (rhetorical analysis)

Basically I am going to write about my thoughts on this article and why I chose to do my rhetorical analysis on it. When I first read this article I automatically loved it. I love reading articles about environmentalism. It can really get me going. Another reason why I liked it was because it was a fresh perspective that I have never heard of or thought about. Most articles I have read have been telling me to buy green products, but this article showed me that the real solution is just buying/consuming less! Lastly, another reason why I chose this article was I feel like I fit perfectly into the audience, which could help me better analyze the effectiveness of his argument. Although overall I really enjoyed this article, it has some flaws that harmed the article, in my opinion. I felt like he started out saying that buying green products aren't saving the Earth, as you read on he says that it is a good thing that Walmart has given their customers the option to buy green products. Then he confuses his audience even more by telling them that they can't really make a difference on their own. To make a difference, there needs to be some type of political action. All in all I really liked the article, but the end really threw me off, feeling a little confused and not knowing what the next step to take should be.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I really liked the article we read in our "Globalization" book called "Immigration is about us" by Mark H. Willes. I liked how he took more of a comprehensive stance. He wasn't trying to single anyone out, but he was trying to get Utahns on the same page with this issue. We have talked about in class that the point of rhetoric is to get people on the same page as you, and that is what he did. He said that we can all agree that we want to get rid of the illegal "thugs and drug dealers", but that we also want to give those who want to be "contributing members of society" a chance to do so. I full heartedly agree with this statement. I have never heard of it put that way. I have only ever heard the options: 1.Let them all stay or 2.deport them all. This article really opened my mind to different options when it comes to immigration. He addresses the fact that this solution easier said than done. He says that Utah should be bold and show the rest of the country how immigration should be dealt with.